School Leadership
About the Director
Ms. Sameera Khan, our Founder Director, is a very dedicated educationist. She radiates enthusiasm and energy, whenever she enters a class. We strictly maintain 20 to 25 students per class, as we believe smaller numbers ensure quality education.
Our director has 20 years of experience in the academic field. She took over Trident International School in November-2017. We, at Trident International School are a team of dedicated teachers and staff, committed to creating leaders in our children. For us, teaching is a passion. In our classrooms there is no rote learning. The children are encouraged to write by themselves. This helps them to hone their creative skills. Our method of teaching is such that it opens up many avenues of thought for the students as well as for the facilitator.
Director’s Message
Education like a flower – fresh and alive has to be handled delicately.
The concept of Saraswati, the goddess of learning, is very amazing. If you look at the figure of goddess, you will see that she is holding a musical instrument, a book and a rosary. The book symbolizes nourishing the left brain which deals with knowledge. The musical instrument symbolizes the right brain which deals with arts and a rosary is a meditation – faith in God – All these are required to make an education complete.

The need of the hour is for the system of education where the roots are deep and there are fresh shoots on the tree – a combination of new and ancient. Multi- religious upbringing, inter faith education and inter religious exposure will bring out much love and harmony.
Children should be encouraged to grow up to be strong ‘ Trees’ of broad-mindedness, who will not be shaken by the strongest storms, who will accept everybody in the world as their own. This has to be jointly accomplished by the parents and teachers”.
Sameera Khan
Director – TIS
About the Principal
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to THINK”
Albert Einstein
I am really honoured and feel very privileged to function as the Principal of Trident International School. Let me take this opportunity to thank the Management for giving me the opportunity to serve the school community Teachers at TIS are highly qualified and experienced educators who are committed to support each student’s learning experience through quality instruction and guidance that addresses the needs of the individual child. Teachers work to provide students with differentiated support that address each student’s specific needs both academically and socially.
In our curriculum the student is the primary focus and each child is involved in the learning process. We are constantly improving our teaching methodology so that it turns learning into combination of classroom study, research and scientific discovery.
While academic excellence is our major thrust, the school is also devoted to prepare the students for life, groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow, and encourage them to be socially relevant.
TIS do give high priority for our Student’s safety. School also initiates the activities that actively promote safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute effectively to sustainability and conservation of our environment – Green Campus initiative.
The parents are the most strengthening power in moulding the future of children. Their consistent support empowers us to do more and more. I pay my gratitude to them for their faith in us.